• NGINX as a reverse proxy for Prosody

    This article describes a simple setup to run Prosody’s mod_http_upload behind a NGINX reverse proxy. You will need (some) knowledge about Prosody and NGINX to follow the steps described in this article. First things first: Install Prosody according to the Prosody documentation Configuring Prosody The following settings need to be...

  • Automated OWASP Zap Security Scans

    OWASP Zap (aka Zed Attack Proxy) is a security scanner, which scans your web application for security issues. I wrote a blog post on this topic for the Swingletree page.

  • Using SonarQube branch analysis with GitHub PRs

    On my job I have a lot to do with SonarQube. Like many other companies we use this tool to perform static code analysis for our projects. I was excited when Sonarqube announced the Branch Analysis Feature for its SonarQube Developer Edition, which enabled us to increase the transparency of...

  • Inversion of control in Typescript

    When writing Swingletree I came across InversifyJS, which enables us to use Dependency Injection in our TypeScript applications. The refactor-hammer was more than ready to be swung, as soon as I discovered that constructor injection is supported and almost everything is managed via annotations. So.. how does it look like?...

  • Dusty machines and lubuntu

    Spring is coming. Therefore my better three-quarter declared global spring cleaning, which led me to the discovery of an old Asus eee 1000H PC. After my duty was done I couldn’t resist to boot it up to lay my eyes upon an antique Windows XP. The urge to change this...